Montag, 5. Juli 2010

The Hungry Asian does a give-away, check it out:
She has the Color Club poptastic collection, six eyeko polishes, 2 frankenpolishes, one hello kitty polish, fake fingernails, a china glaze black magic and best of all, the give-away ends on July 14, so there is plenty of time for you to join!
here is a teaser photo of the Color Club collection (taken from the hungry asians website):

Freitag, 2. Juli 2010

Simply Stacie give-away

And heeeere's another one, ladies :)
simply stacie is giving away a lovely set of earrings, visit her blog to find out more!
Here is a link to the beautiful earrings:
I really love blues and greens for summer, I've never been the red/orange/pink/coral type. I love the colors of the sea and the sky and meadows :)

becsbeautybuzz give-away!

Hello you girls out there,
I just found a few give aways and wanted to share them with you!
First one is on Bec's Beauty Buzz and Rebecca is giving away a white konad polish, stamp and scraper and a pretty konad plate with zebra- and leopard patterns!
You can read everything about it here:
And here are 2 pix of hers to get you into the mood. The plate-pic ist taken from her blog and she got it from wowsocool.

And here is a design she did with this plate:
Nice :)
To enter this give-away, please visit her blog